Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day...

While lunching with Chris today, I was telling him about how I was going to make May Day baskets for his team and leave them on their desks, but ran out of time.  His reaction was, "What's a May Day basket?"  Really, am I the only one who grew up with this tradition?  I explained that in my neighborhood, every May Day my mom and I would gather clear, plastic cups, colored cling film (as they call it over here) and individually wrapped candies.  We put a few pieces of the candies in the cups, covered it with cling film then took them around to the neighbor's houses...or other friends.  That was usually my job.  I would put the cup on the porch or in front of the door, ring the doorbell and run to hide.  I would watch the person find their treasure from my hiding place.  If they came to the door quicker than I could hide, they could run after me...if they caught me they kissed me (on the cheek).  Chris had never heard of I the only one?  Give me a shout out if you grew up with a tradition like this for May Day!!!!!!!!


  1. I grew up with the same tradition Emily....people in Washington hadn't heard of this tradition either!

    Amber Haveman

  2. I totally used to do this, except we used pastel colored muffin cups for the baskets...Me and Katie Knutson used to really get into it, our chase games went all over the neighborhood. Likewise, whenever I reference this tradition people think I'm a silly person... celeste :)
