Monday, August 10, 2009

Mis pictures around the house...

Dad got so many compliments on his monopod camera cane/stand...he was very eager to have Chris try it that was the first thing they did when Chris got home from work!

Emily getting help from British-Emily in the navigational realm!

Food, food and more food. Also, proof that Chris does help out in the kitchen! Thanks baby!

Mom and dad got a kick out of this was windy that day so the house looked alive from the moving ivy. Mom said it reminded her of Poltergeist...

All dressed up for dinner at Bewley's...Chris was pretty pleased with himself for opening the gate!

Dinner at Bewley's Hotel Saturday night... Now I'm not a huge chocolate ice cream fan, but their's is so delicious...I could keep eating it forever and ever!

Mom started crocheting this afghan a day or two before departure for their European holiday. She worked on it all through Germany, France, England and Ireland then was generous enough to offer it as a gift for Chris and if their visit wasn't gift enough. Thank you so much for the visit and your hard work on the afghan. It's so beautiful and warm (already getting tons of use!)

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