I requested one thing of Pawl during my visit to Portland...a nice, long, but not too strenuous hike with lots of waterfalls. He delivered...
(playing around with Picasa)

(howdy mam)
He also delivered on one of the most beautiful rainbows I've ever seen. I'm going to go ahead and commit to this statement...it was THE most beautiful rainbow I've ever seen. It lasted a mere 45 seconds in it's most brilliant vibrancy, but was amazing. Unfortunately my camera is sub-par and I couldn't fully capture it's brilliance, even with the help of Picasa. So in the words of the great Jack Black..."This is just a Tribute. You've got to believe me. Wish you were there, just a matter of opinion..."

I don't quite know how he did it, but when I thought the hike couldn't get any better, it did. To round off our hike it hailed perfect, pea sized hail for a mere two minutes. I love hail...I love rainbows...I love hiking with my brother. The day was more awesome than I could have ever planned.

(and once again, food trumps nature)

Pawl and I had a great time, but as often happens, I forget to take pictures. We visited my uncle Dennis, helped make a pre-Thanksgiving happen with his housemates, totally freaked out his co-worker Cindy into thinking I was a Reed student stalking Pawl (way to not give any of his personal information out Cindy), sang Karaoke with cousin Shea, ate at some awesome restaurants with Beth and biked/walked/hiked to our hearts' content! Thanks for such a great visit Pawl.
Pawl doesn't forget to take pictures like I do, so if you liked what you saw and want to see more please see his Picasa site:
Next stop...Tacoma, WA!