So after all the picture taking I did in Europe, I was plum sick of it when I got back to the states, so though I visited alot more people than will be reflected on my blog, I did take some pictures (after getting razzed by Uncle tom).
Before I go on though, I want to give a shout out to Uncle Rory, Aunt Judy, Meagan & Ryan in Williamsville, NY. They were gracious hosts (as were their mammoth dogs) and I very much appreciated their hospitality.
Another HUGE shout out to the Cyrus clan; Aunt Becky, Ashley, Kassie, Shelby, Sami & DJ. I had so much fun getting to know you all again! Teaching and learning...lots of good food was had, lots of great jokes were told!
Here I am with Uncle Tom (in his cabin) and Great Aunt Ruth! She came over for breakfast and unfortunately the waffles I made were less then tasty! Nothing a lot of syrup can't fix though!

Uncle Tom took me out a couple times on the kayaks! I fell in love and can't wait to get my own!

Then he took me to Hell for some ice cream!

I feel pretty special as I made the list of people who Uncle Bruce and Uncle Tom take to the diner! Very important business!

I love my MI relatives. Though I don't get to see you all enough I really appreciate the time you take to make sure I see you when I'm there; Ronnie, Devon, Karl, Uncle Karl, Aunt Margaret, Buddy, Dave & Charlene, Aunt Ruth, Uncle Bruce, Zach, Grandma Marianne and of course, Uncle Tom. Here's a holla to Brad and his lady as well!