Monday, December 29, 2008

Funderland...the name says it all!

When Chris and I were moving into our new apt in Dublin, the apt manager casually mentioned there would be a temporary amusement park going up over Christmas, so there might be some noise, but it will only last a few weeks.  She then stated there would be a big ferris wheel...needless to say, we got excited!  We waited and waited and nothing happened. Finally they started building something 2 weeks before Christmas.  They took the full two weeks to build Funderland and I recorded it's progression.  We enjoyed the noise from the rollercoaster, as it was always full of people having fun.  We LOVED the lights from the ferris wheel and when it was taken down we missed it.  We still miss the sounds...

Once it was completed we waited a full week, watching other people ride the rides without incident before we decided it was safe enough for us to experience the awesomeness of Funderland for ourselves.  While there, we teamed up at the races to win this new member to add to our Sebastian.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Santacon 2008

Chris and I decided to start meeting people in Dublin; what better way than to participate in a themed pub crawl.  Santacon Dublin happened the Saturday prior to Christmas.  People dressed up in their interpretation of Santa Clause, met up to have a pint, then moved onto the next pub...we ended up hitting around 10 pubs I was getting fuzzy toward the end!  I was Santa's chef and Chris was Chris-mas claus!

Here's the Chris and I were thinking we were going to be meeting up with hundreds of Santas b/c that's what we saw in the pictures from London's Santacon.  Turns out this was one of the first years, so there were a total of 15 of us at one point!  We had fun though...

All sorts of santas showed up...this one was the most intelligent by far.  He had an inflatable suit so when it got too hot in the pubs, he inflated his suit for instant air conditioning.  Chris said he's definitely getting that suit next year!

So a leprechaun and John McEnroe joined us for a short while...apparently they didn't get the memo that you were suppose to dress up like Santa...

Our new German friends, Guenther & Diana (pronounced Dee-anna).

Monday, December 15, 2008

Let's start from the beginning shall we...

Chris and I moved to Ireland at the beginning of December 2008.  Our first exploration of Ireland outside Dublin was to Dalkey & Killiney where Chris and I celebrated his 34th birthday.
Room with a view.  We could see Dun Laoghaire Harbor from our balcony.

We saw Enya's Castle and walked down the street Bono lives.  We didn't actually figure out which house...I mean mansion...belonged to Bono, but there were a few people walking up and down the road...

We walked around Killiney.  Dalkey and Killiney are 
like sister villages, one goes hand-in-hand with the other.  

Ya, this is someone's backyard...

Dalkey was a very cute village as well!

Dalkey Beach was a welcome surprise!

I would love to live in this little cottage!  So adorable...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Welcome to my Blog!

Thanks for joining me on my new blog.  This blog will be full of a variety of things...experiences from my life, sharing my hobbies, pictures galore.  It will definitely be chronicling my new hobby, gardening!  I will be posting pictures of my experiments and displaying my lessons learned and successes!  I hope you enjoy it.